Meet Our Team
"I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness. Rather he will have the light of life."
-John 8:12-
Team Malamute
Let me first introduce you to Nathan, Team Malamute's caretaker who is an essential part of our team.
I got my first dog at 12 years old, an Alaskan Malamute I named Bud. I loved that dog as much as any kid could. All growns up now, I wanted to get another malamute- the most historically natural one I could find.
So last year, I got Subaka from The Malamute Man in Alaska. Six or so months later, I saw Joe’s invitation for someone to come up and help out, and I thought to myself, “I bet Subaka and I would love that!”A few months later, Subaka and I found ourselves in a small cabin next to Joe’s house and kennel in Salcha, AK, and loving it. I get to continue my healing journey here while helping maintain an ancient arctic breed; Subaka gets to play in the snow and howl songs along with 42 of his fellow furry family and friends.
I work about 2.5 hours a day doing mild to medium-level physical dog/kennel-related work, primarily feeding the dogs and cleaning/keeping their kennels. So, if you enjoy moderate physical work, love Alaskan Malamutes, and want to experience a bit of Alaska, you very well may love caring for and learning more about them up here in Salcha, Alaska, with Joe Henderson, The Malamute Man,
-Team Malamute's current caretaker-
, The Malamute Man.
Team Malamute's current caretaker.
you very well may love caring for and learning more about them up here in Salcha, Alaska, with